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  • 字体大小: 发表于:2013-07-04 15:29

    You pick healthy food, work out (when you can), and watch your waistline. That means you´re healthy right?
    Not so fast—many people who are in tip-top shape (for now) have habits or beliefs that can put them at risk for illness or injury down the road. Read on to learn about these common mistakes, and how you can avoid them.

    1. You don´t socialize enough
    While you may feel virtuous on your long solo runs, don´t forget to check in with your pals once in a while. Studies suggest that social networks are good for your health too.
    Try to schedule regular meet-ups with friends, whether it´s a book club or poker—it doesn´t matter. (No need to make it exercise-based, although that´s nice too.) Just connecting with other people, and maintaining those social networks as you age, is good for your health.

    2. You skimp on sleep
    Think it´s a good idea to get up at 5 a.m. and hit the gym? Not if you should be sleeping instead, says Gary Rogg, MD, a primary care physician and assistant professor at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, N.Y. Studies have consistently shown that people need at least seven hours of sleep a night for optimal health, and short sleep has been associated with a host of health problems, including high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, and a reduced immune response to vaccines.

    3. You drink too much water
    Dehydration is bad. So more water is good, right? That´s true, to a point.
    But particularly if you´re running your first marathon or some other physically taxing, long event it´s important to avoid drinking too much water, which could lead to water intoxication (also known as hyponatremia).

    4. You still don´t eat your fruits and veggies
    By now, pretty much everyone knows they should be eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Eating plenty of produce helps reduce your risk of heart disease and several types of cancer, and can help you manage your weight too. But a state-by-state survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that in 2009, just one-third of adults reported eating at least two servings of fruit a day, and only about one-quarter ate three or more servings of veggies daily.

    5. You don´t have healthy friends
    Good health habits are contagious, and bad health habits are, too. Several recent studies have shown that obesity, cigarette smoking—even happiness—spread through social networks.
    Try to forge friendships with people whose health habits you´d like to emulate and encouraging your friends to *** you in healthy pursuits.
    所以,请努力结交健康习惯良好的朋友,鼓励身边的朋友养成良好的健康习惯吧。郑州英语培训 http://www.zzyingyu.net


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